
Исследования и публикации

Расширение возможностей
имплантологии будущего
с помощью науки и технологий

Assisted implant rehabilitation in the esthetic zone using a TI-base on NICE™ - narrow diameter implant
A 2-Stage Approach tooth rehabilitation of a young female patient with hitch esthetic expectations using Alpha-Bio Tec's NICE narrow diameter implant
Clinical Case
Immediate Implants Placement with Simultaneous Bone Regeneration
Immediate MultiNeO & Spiral Implants Placement with Simultaneous Bone Regeneration
Clinical Case
Use of Multi-Unit Abutment System in Permannent, Immediate Loading Full-Arch Rehabilitations
Immediate implantation of 4 Alpha-Bio Tec. Spiral implants for upper arch
Clinical Research & Articles
Standard Versus Step Burs for Implant Site Preparation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
A comparative study of two different drilling protocols, step & straight drills, for preparing implant sites, by evaluating radiographic and clinical outcomes.
Clinical Research & Articles
The effect of coronal implant design and drilling protocol on bone-to-implant contact. A 3-month preclinical study in minipigs.
The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare various MultiNeO™ implant coronal part designs on the percentage of bone-to-implant contact (%BIC) and bone density by means of histomorphometry.
Lab & Mechanical study
Modelling Insertion Of Two Different Dental Implants
A preliminary report aimed to assess the suitability of the finite element code Abaqus for ICETM & MultiNeoTM Implants
Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical Outcomes of Dental Implants with Two Different Internal Connection Configurations—A RCT
The aim of the present study was to highlight clinical and radiographical differences among MultiNeO™ implants sharing the same macro-geometry but with two different prosthodontic connections
Clinical Research & Articles
"The Effect of Coronal Implant Design and Drilling Protocol on Bone-to-Implant Contact: A 3-Month Study in the Minipig Calvarium"
The objective of this study was to evaluate four different MultiNeO™ implant neck designs using two different drilling protocols on the BIC
Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical and radiological outcomes of implants with two different connection configurations, a A randomized controlled trial
This study aimed to measure differences in clinical and radiographical parameters between MultiNeO™ implants sharing the same micro & macro design with different connections for 1 year and measure implant success rate, gingival recession, patient's satisfaction, primary and secondary stability
Clinical Research & Articles
Surgical treatment with dental implants in a patient with secondary loss of teeth and osteoporosis caused by an imbalance of vitamin D.
The aim of this retrospective paper was to estimate integration of hard and soft tissues in post extraction sites with immediate loading protocol of DFI implants