
Исследования и публикации

Расширение возможностей
имплантологии будущего
с помощью науки и технологий

Assisted implant rehabilitation in the esthetic zone using a TI-base on NICE™ - narrow diameter implant
A 2-Stage Approach tooth rehabilitation of a young female patient with hitch esthetic expectations using Alpha-Bio Tec's NICE narrow diameter implant
Clinical Research & Articles
Surgical treatment with dental implants in a patient with secondary loss of teeth and osteoporosis caused by an imbalance of vitamin D.
The aim of this retrospective paper was to estimate integration of hard and soft tissues in post extraction sites with immediate loading protocol of DFI implants
Clinical Research & Articles
Tunnel Technique with a Subperiosteal Bag for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation
This article describes a tunnel technique with a subperiosteal bag for horizontal GBR for Spiral™ & Nice™ implants
Clinical Research & Articles
The Effect of Moderately Controlled Type 2 Diabetes on Dental Implant Survival and Peri-implant Bone Loss: A Long-Term Retrospective Study
The objective of this study was to assess long-term implant survival rates (DFITM/Spiral™) and bone loss in patients with moderately controlled type 2 diabetes
Clinical Research & Articles
Dental Implant Thread Design and the Consequences on Long-Term Marginal Bone Loss
To present the DFI™ & Spiral™ implant macrostructure effect on marginal bone loss
Effect of implant insertion and loading protocol on long-term stability and crestal bone loss: A comparative study
Clinical Research & Articles
The Efficacy of Full-Arch Immediately Restored Implant-Supported Reconstructions in Extraction and Healed Sites: A 36-Month Retrospective Evaluation
A restrospective study aimed to compare the outcome of Spiral™ & DFI™ implants with immediate loading protocol in fresh extraction sites or in healed edentulous sites with 6, 18 and 36 months of follow up.
Clinical Research & Articles
Implant -Prosthetic Rehabilitation of the Edentulous Maxilla and Mandible with Immediately Loaded Implants
The aim of this study is to evaluate treatment outcomes of DFI™ & Spiral™ implants, in the edentulous maxilla or mandible, with immediate loading protocol .