
Исследования и публикации

Расширение возможностей
имплантологии будущего
с помощью науки и технологий

Clinical Research & Articles
Guidance means accuracy: A randomized clinical trial on freehand versus guided dental implantation
A comparison of three guided surgery protocols (pilot, partial, and full) with each other and with freehand surgery in terms of accuracy, under the same conditions with MultiNeo™ implant
Clinical Research & Articles
Effect of Implant-Abutment Connection Type on Bone Around Dental Implants in Long-Term Observation: Internal Cone Versus Internal Hex
This study is aimed to evaluate the influence of the Spiral™ implant-abutment connection type on the bone level around dental implants in long-term observation and the survival rate for the different types of implant-abutment connections.
Clinical Research & Articles
Tunnel Technique with a Subperiosteal Bag for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation
This article describes a tunnel technique with a subperiosteal bag for horizontal GBR for Spiral™ & Nice™ implants
Clinical Research & Articles
Socket-shield technique: the influence of the length of the remaining buccal segment of healthy tooth structure on peri-implant bone and socket preservation. A study in dogs
The aim of this MulitNeO™ study was to evaluate the influence of the length of the root fragment retained on the buccal plate with a different socket shield technique approach for peri-implant bone mainte-nance and socket preservation.
Clinical Research & Articles
Implant-Supported Screw-Retained Vs Cemented Single Crown Fabricated By CAD / CAM Technology: A Clinical Case Report
The aim of this publication is to compare two types of Spiral™ implant-supported single crown–screw-retained and cemented, illustrated with a clinical case.
Posters & White Papers
Short Dental Spiral Implants Placed By A Progressive Steps Technique In The Atrophic Posterior Maxilla: A Personal 10 Years Follow On 80 Implants
A 10 years follow-up study of 80 short implants<10mm (Spiral™ and ICE™ implants) in posterior maxilla for single tooth restoration
Clinical Research & Articles
Low implant insertion torque allows minimal bone loss: A multicenter 2-year prospective study
To evaluate the survival rate of Spiral™ implants after insertion using low torque (< 35 N cm), by recording measurements from resonance frequency analysis (RFA), probing pocket depths and changes in interproximal crestal bone level.
Clinical Research & Articles
The Effect of Moderately Controlled Type 2 Diabetes on Dental Implant Survival and Peri-implant Bone Loss: A Long-Term Retrospective Study
The objective of this study was to assess long-term implant survival rates (DFITM/Spiral™) and bone loss in patients with moderately controlled type 2 diabetes
Clinical Research & Articles
Dental Implant Thread Design and the Consequences on Long-Term Marginal Bone Loss
To present the DFI™ & Spiral™ implant macrostructure effect on marginal bone loss
Effect of implant insertion and loading protocol on long-term stability and crestal bone loss: A comparative study