
Исследования и публикации

Расширение возможностей
имплантологии будущего
с помощью науки и технологий

Clinical Case
MultiNeo Implant with Nano Hydrophilic Surface NiNA in Immediate Implantation and Loading Case
Clinical Case
MultiNeO™ Implants with Nano Hydrophilic Surface NiNA™ Restored with a Immediate Loaded CAD/Cam Restoration
A 78 year old female patient in good systemic condition, presenting generalized bone loss compatible with periodontal disease, has penetrating caries & deficient restorations in the lower anterior sector.
Clinical Case
MultiNeO™ Implant with Nano Hydrophilic Surface NiNA™ in a 2-Stage Approach and Early Loading
A 2-Stage Approach and Early Loading for Replacement 2 missing teeth.
Clinical Research & Articles
Nano-superhydrophilic and bioactive surface in poor bone environment. Part 1: transition from primary to secondary stability. A controlled clinical trial : Bioactive implant surfaces in poor density bone
NiNA bioactive surface demonstrated better intinal stability in D3-D4 bone conditions at early stages of healing.
Clinical Case
Restauración temporal inmediada del implante MultiNeo™ con superfície nano hidrofílica NiNA™ en la zona estética
Clinical Case
Congenitally missing lateral upper incisor implant supported replacement
Using MultiNeO powered by NiNA to replace missing lateral tooth in the upper jaw.
Clinical Case
The use of Multineo™ implant with Nano Hydrophilic Surface NiNA™ in upper and lower full edentulism
Immediate loading of 4 MultiNeO™ powered by NiNA™ upper jaw and 6 MultiNeO CS implants in the lower
Clinical Case
The use of Multineo™ implant with Nano Hydrophilic Surface NiNa™ in the esthetic zone
2 stage technique with the Implantation of one MultiNeO™ powered by NiNA™ implant CHC Ø3.2 x L11.5 mm.
Clinical Case
Shortened time to restoration in the posterior maxilla using Multineo NH implant
37 years old, ASA 1, non-smoker with
missing tooth 26. It was planned to replaced tooth 26 by a crown supported implant. A MultiNeO NH implant 11.5 /3,75 was placed. 9 weeks later, a healing abutment was placed, followed by engagement of a final screwed zirconium Crown (2 weeks later).
Clinical Case
Immediate implantation and restoration of Multineo NH in the aesthetic zone combined with ridge preservation
58 years old female patient with mobile tooth 21. Immediate implantation of
3,75x16mm MultiNeO NH implant, with alveolar ridge preservation using xenograft and L-PR. Digital immediate nonfunctional loading with Ivoclar Telio by Cerec system was engaged.