Исследования и публикации
Расширение возможностей
имплантологии будущего
с помощью науки и технологий
Clinical Research & Articles
Surgical treatment with dental implants in a patient with secondary loss of teeth and osteoporosis caused by an imbalance of vitamin D.
The aim of this retrospective paper was to estimate integration of hard and soft tissues in post extraction sites with immediate loading protocol of DFI implants
Posters & White Papers
In-vitro comparative study of bacterial adherence to grooved and smooth healing abutment
This in-vitro study evaluated the adherence of 2 bacterial strains (Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prohormones gingivitis) onto healing abutments with 2 different surface Acro morphology: one completely smooth and the other groove-marked.
Clinical Research & Articles
In Vitro Preliminary Evaluation of Bacterial Attachment on Grooved and Smooth Healing Abutments
To evaluate the bacterial attachment onto titanium alloy healing abutments differing only in their surface macro-morphology
Clinical Research & Articles
Guidance means accuracy: A randomized clinical trial on freehand versus guided dental implantation
A comparison of three guided surgery protocols (pilot, partial, and full) with each other and with freehand surgery in terms of accuracy, under the same conditions with MultiNeo™ implant
Clinical Research & Articles
Effect of Implant-Abutment Connection Type on Bone Around Dental Implants in Long-Term Observation: Internal Cone Versus Internal Hex
This study is aimed to evaluate the influence of the Spiral™ implant-abutment connection type on the bone level around dental implants in long-term observation and the survival rate for the different types of implant-abutment connections.
Clinical Research & Articles
Tunnel Technique with a Subperiosteal Bag for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation
This article describes a tunnel technique with a subperiosteal bag for horizontal GBR for Spiral™ & Nice™ implants
Clinical Research & Articles
Socket-shield technique: the influence of the length of the remaining buccal segment of healthy tooth structure on peri-implant bone and socket preservation. A study in dogs
The aim of this MulitNeO™ study was to evaluate the influence of the length of the root fragment retained on the buccal plate with a different socket shield technique approach for peri-implant bone mainte-nance and socket preservation.
Lab & Mechanical study
Insertion Of Ice_3.75_11.5_1011 Implant Into Bonesim Cortical Bone
This report aimed to characterize various mechanical parameters of relevance to the bone-implant interaction of ICE™ implant.
Clinical Research & Articles
Implant-Supported Screw-Retained Vs Cemented Single Crown Fabricated By CAD / CAM Technology: A Clinical Case Report
The aim of this publication is to compare two types of Spiral™ implant-supported single crown–screw-retained and cemented, illustrated with a clinical case.
Posters & White Papers
Short Dental Spiral Implants Placed By A Progressive Steps Technique In The Atrophic Posterior Maxilla: A Personal 10 Years Follow On 80 Implants
A 10 years follow-up study of 80 short implants<10mm (Spiral™ and ICE™ implants) in posterior maxilla for single tooth restoration