Dr.Alberto Salgado
English, Spanish
Dr. Salgado has a Master of Surgery from the University Complutense of Madrid and a Master of Implants from the University Complutense of Madrid. He has been awarded the Best Academic Award from the University Complutense of Madrid. He completed the Implant Course in New York University.
Dr. Salgado is the Chairman Professor of the Specialist Course in Advanced Surgery and Regeneration at the University Francisco de Vitoria Madrid and is a Guest Professor Master in More than 10 universities. He has given more than 150 National and International Conferences and is a Member of Piezosurgery Academy as well as a Chair of Congress Scientific Report European Academy for Osseointegration.
Dr. Salgado is a Member of Communication Committee of European Association for Osseointegration a Member of American Academy of Osseointegration. He is part of Group Aula Dental Avanzada and is the Author and coauthor of several publications and posters in international congress of implant dentistry.