Surface Technology

Surface Technology

Surface Treatment
for Enhanced Predictability
& Clinical Success

Numerous scientific studies worldwide have proven that implant surface topography is an important factor in achieving osseointegration. Mechanical & chemical surface treatment increase the implant surface area, allowing enhanced bone to implant contact. Clinical research data shows that Alpha-Bio Tec.'s implants achieve clinical success rates of 98.3% & 99.6% in immediate loading procedures. 

Nina Banner - Alpha-Bio-Tec


Discover a new world
of confidence and

Enhanced bone attraction

Enhanced bone

Increased surface area & BIC

Increased surface
area & BIC
(Bone Implant Contact)

Faster healing time

Faster healing

NiNA™ is an advanced hydrophilic
surface consisting of multiple levels:

  • The basic micron level produced from the known and trusted sandblasted and acid etched treatment
  • New innovative TiO2 structures on the nanometric level
  • A protective layer deployed on the implant to maintain the Titanium's natural hydrophilic properties
NiNa Banner - Alpha-Bio-Tec


Visible nanoscale TiO2 structures increase surface area
and actively promote osteoblast bone formation.
The active attraction of osteoblasts, combined with
surface hydrophilicity, enhances a biological response
accelerating wound healing processes.

Micro level
Nano Level

SEM images of a 15K magnification of a sandblasted and acid-etched implant (A) vs. a 200K magnification
of NiNA surface treatment (B), demonstrating growth of TiO2 structures on the implant surface.

MultiNeO™ Powered by NiNA™


MultiNeO™ Powered by NiNA™

Is the synergy between an innovative implant and
an advanced bioactive NiNA™ surface enabling you to
enhance your clinical performance and confidence in
immediate implant and loading procedures.

Nano Banner - Alpha-Bio-Tec


Discover a new world
of confidence and

NanoTec™ implant surface is achieved through a mechanical & chemical surface modification process, which involves sandblasting and double thermal acid etching, for the creation of micropores (sized 1-5 microns).

Clinical Features & Benefits

The NanoTec process creates a high surface area, greatly influences the initial contact with the host bone and contributes to:

  • Excellent osseointegration
  • High long-term BIC (Bone to Implant Contact)
  • Increased secondary stability