Research & Publications
Empowering Tomorrow’s
Implantology through
Science & Technology

Clinical Research & Articles
Differences in crestal bone-to-implant contact following an under-drilling compared to an over-drilling protocol. A study in the rabbit tibia
The aim of the study was to compare bone-to-implant contact (BIC) between Spiral™ and ICE™ implants inserted at high torque (≥35 Ncm) due to under-drilling of the crestal bone to those inserted at low torque (<10 Ncm) due to over-drilling of the crestal bone

Clinical Research & Articles
The Efficacy of Full-Arch Immediately Restored Implant-Supported Reconstructions in Extraction and Healed Sites: A 36-Month Retrospective Evaluation
A restrospective study aimed to compare the outcome of Spiral™ & DFI™ implants with immediate loading protocol in fresh extraction sites or in healed edentulous sites with 6, 18 and 36 months of follow up.

Clinical Research & Articles
Implant -Prosthetic Rehabilitation of the Edentulous Maxilla and Mandible with Immediately Loaded Implants
The aim of this study is to evaluate treatment outcomes of DFI™ & Spiral™ implants, in the edentulous maxilla or mandible, with immediate loading protocol .