
Research & Publications

Empowering Tomorrow’s
Implantology through 
Science & Technology

Clinical Research & Articles
Miniaturized Electromagnetic Device Abutment Improves Stability of the Dental Implants
Clinical Research & Articles
Bone loss around tapered implants with split coronal micro threads.
Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical Outcomes of Dental Implants with Two Different Internal Connection Configurations—A RCT
The aim of the present study was to highlight clinical and radiographical differences among MultiNeO™ implants sharing the same macro-geometry but with two different prosthodontic connections
Clinical Research & Articles
"The Effect of Coronal Implant Design and Drilling Protocol on Bone-to-Implant Contact: A 3-Month Study in the Minipig Calvarium"
The objective of this study was to evaluate four different MultiNeO™ implant neck designs using two different drilling protocols on the BIC
Clinical Research & Articles
Tunnel Technique with a Subperiosteal Bag for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation
This article describes a tunnel technique with a subperiosteal bag for horizontal GBR for Spiral™ & Nice™ implants
Clinical Research & Articles
Chemical and Topographic Analysis of Eight commercially Available Dental Implants
An analysis and comparison of surface characteristics among various implants including ICE™ implant
Posters & White Papers
Short Dental Spiral Implants Placed By A Progressive Steps Technique In The Atrophic Posterior Maxilla: A Personal 10 Years Follow On 80 Implants
A 10 years follow-up study of 80 short implants<10mm (Spiral™ and ICE™ implants) in posterior maxilla for single tooth restoration
Clinical Research & Articles
Guidance means accuracy: A randomized clinical trial on freehand versus guided dental implantation
A comparison of three guided surgery protocols (pilot, partial, and full) with each other and with freehand surgery in terms of accuracy, under the same conditions with MultiNeo™ implant
Clinical Research & Articles
Differences in crestal bone-to-implant contact following an under-drilling compared to an over-drilling protocol. A study in the rabbit tibia
The aim of the study was to compare bone-to-implant contact (BIC) between Spiral™ and ICE™ implants inserted at high torque (≥35 Ncm) due to under-drilling of the crestal bone to those inserted at low torque (<10 Ncm) due to over-drilling of the crestal bone
Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical and radiological outcomes of implants with two different connection configurations, a A randomized controlled trial
This study aimed to measure differences in clinical and radiographical parameters between MultiNeO™ implants sharing the same micro & macro design with different connections for 1 year and measure implant success rate, gingival recession, patient's satisfaction, primary and secondary stability