Research & Publications
Empowering Tomorrow’s
Implantology through
Science & Technology

Clinical Research & Articles
The effect of coronal implant design and drilling protocol on bone-to-implant contact. A 3-month preclinical study in minipigs.
The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare various MultiNeO™ implant coronal part designs on the percentage of bone-to-implant contact (%BIC) and bone density by means of histomorphometry.

Lab & Mechanical study
Modelling Insertion Of Two Different Dental Implants
A preliminary report aimed to assess the suitability of the finite element code Abaqus for ICETM & MultiNeoTM Implants

Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical, Radiological, and Aesthetic Outcomes after Placement of a Bioactive-Surfaced Implant with Immediate or Delayed Loading in the Anterior Maxilla: 1-Year Retrospective Follow-Up Study
A retrospective study aimed to examine the efficacy of a super hydrophilic and bioactive implant for treatment of the edentulous maxillary anterior area. The study also aimed to evaluate whether this improved implant surface.

Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical Outcomes of Dental Implants with Two Different Internal Connection Configurations—A RCT
The aim of the present study was to highlight clinical and radiographical differences among MultiNeO™ implants sharing the same macro-geometry but with two different prosthodontic connections

Clinical Research & Articles
"The Effect of Coronal Implant Design and Drilling Protocol on Bone-to-Implant Contact: A 3-Month Study in the Minipig Calvarium"
The objective of this study was to evaluate four different MultiNeO™ implant neck designs using two different drilling protocols on the BIC

Clinical Research & Articles
Bioactivated Implant Surfaces Placed in Healed Sites or Extraction Sockets: A Preliminary Experimental Study in Dogs
To monitor the early bone reaction in a canine model to a conventional sandblasted and dual acid-etched implant surface , a nanostructured hydrophilic surface ,a dry salt-bioactivated ultra-hydrophilic surface, and a bioactivated Nano surface.

Posters & White Papers
The effect of hydrophilic nano scale surface compared with a sandblasted acid etched surface on osseointegration
The aim of this study is to examine the influence of a hydrophilic nano-scale surface compared with a standard sandblasted-acid etched surface on the bone to implant contact (BIC) in a Rabbit Tibia Model

Clinical Research & Articles
Early Biological Response of an Ultra-Hydrophilic Implant Surface Activated by Salts and Dry Technology: An In-Vitro Study
The aim of this study is to evaluate the osteogenic response of pre-osteoblast cell lines to dry bioactivated surface

Clinical Research & Articles
Clinical and radiological outcomes of implants with two different connection configurations, a A randomized controlled trial
This study aimed to measure differences in clinical and radiographical parameters between MultiNeO™ implants sharing the same micro & macro design with different connections for 1 year and measure implant success rate, gingival recession, patient's satisfaction, primary and secondary stability

Clinical Research & Articles
Guidance means accuracy: A randomized clinical trial on freehand versus guided dental implantation
A comparison of three guided surgery protocols (pilot, partial, and full) with each other and with freehand surgery in terms of accuracy, under the same conditions with MultiNeo™ implant